So in the last blog on the topic of dealing with the heat in Spain (and many people love the Spanish heat as I said before Spain is a heat lovers paradise ) I discussed some tips for dealing with the heat during the day but what about at night when we ant to sleep?
Well here are some tips on just that
Would love to hear what you find helps some people have a glass of water beside their beds for example so add your tips in the comment section
So as we all know I am sure Spain gets hot in the Summer in fact some regions can hit at times mid 40's in the height of summer , but the coast is cooler at often mid 30's (Speaking of med coast )
Either way Spain is a heat lovers paradise And something people sometimes say is oh it would be to hot for me Spain in the summer I don't do heat, well I use to be the same as in struggle in the heat But rest assure there are ways to survive and love the Spanish heat (beyond putting up with it and getting use to it and finding you know think 20 c in summer is cold ) (a few hopefully helpful and easy hints and tips for you )
Is it a cloudy but warm day (yes they do happen in Spain ) well remember that the sun is still strong and those Uv rays are still getting though so you will still burn if you don't take precautions Same can be said if there is a cooling breeze Know other tips add them in the comments as these are just a few i have found that help/work for me I will cover sleeping at night tips at a later point some tips added/expanded via a chat on twitter and comparing my tips for ones I do but had over looked on A bonus tip Keeping your pets cool in Spain *do not put an ice cube in their water dish as this in fact has the opposite effect as a dogs body will naturally heat up to deal with the cold ice water So use water at its room temperature Important moving tip always be sure to check the movers Feedback It is also a good idea to check the movers Terms and conditions
What are the joys of Spain ? while everyone's list will be slight or in some case vastly different I am sure that many of the things i am going to mention will be on most peoples lists
Joys of Spain
AuthorAshley R Clark Categories