So no the existence of the Siesta itself is not a myth how ever that doesn't mean there are not myths and misconceptions regarding it
Well since publishing the last part of this series, on Spanish Myths people have on twitter have passed comments that have lead me to expand on the seista blog So here it is *Well As said in the previous one, Seista is not all over Spain as it use to be , well some one ask why is that well , I can not of course be 100% certain but there seems to be two reason Tradition some places and people like the tradition of the Seista (after all as often said Spain has a different pace of life ) And well the weather is the over factor, what do I,mean well simply put the further south you go in Spain the hotter it gets , And as you can work out I am sure, it is very hard to work in the extreme temperatures at the height of the day so many roles and jobs in these regions will therefore for practical reasons seista And will Seista means nap in Spanish, that doesn't mean everyone who has the seista off is asleep many people will and do treat it as a long afternoon break/lunch break It is worth noting that in towns and places where the seista is common that during the seista period these towns are very quite with not many people about and little traffic, compared to to the times outside of seista Yes there will I am sure be other reason why places/poeple do and do not seista that I haven't covered So no the existence of the Siesta itself is not a myth how ever that doesn't mean there are not myths and misconceptions regarding it when discussing this on twitter yesterday someone asked me about this and said that siesta starts at midday , which sounds right but no where they have the Siesta it starts at 2pm but wait you say why 2pm not noon ? That has a few reasons one Spain is in the wrong time zone for historical reasons so in the summer it is 2 hours ahead of the sun so 12 noon for the sun is 2pm for the clocks Now the next misconception/Myth is everyone and everywhere in Spain has the Siesta, well this is untrue in some areas as often in larger cities like Madrid they will work through and not siesta (Again people in these places may still siesta as it is a personal choice in some cases I think ) Even in the cities and towns and Villages where they have the seista it is not all stop everything closed as often the larger supermarkets stay open as do the bars Covid 19 risk assessment
At the current time a risk of contracting and/or spreading covid 19 does exist, as a result, here at Ers removal services limited (Here forth refereed to as ERS) will take every possible step to ensure the safety of all our people , our customers, and the general public as applicable and any one we may come in to contact through our line of work as a removals company *All of our people will be required to where possible, practical and safe wear a face mask when loading , unloading the van , at customer premises (houses) at storage sites eg self storage locations and any location where they may come in contact with customers , the public or officials (EG Ferries ) *The above also goes for Gloves (which will either be replaced often or disinfected with hand sanitiser regularly ) *Please ensure that after use Gloves and Masks are safely and properly disposed of *Further more while working our people will maintain as much distance as is particle between each other and the customers, and in the case of contact of with customers we will on the moving day/s (at loading and unloading) maintain at least 2 metres distance and will request that where possible once customers have shown us what needs moving and where things are they maintain their presence to a different room to what our team are currently working in *In relation to the above we will stop and cease any move where we feel there is reasonable grounds to believe the customer/ and/or their family or anyone else we will come into contact at that location has covid 19 eg showing symptoms *Our team will also between loads and unloads disinfect the van and our tools and equipment * We as a company we also ensure that none of our team will work or undertake a move or delivery if they are showing signs of covid 19 and that they take as soon as possible if showing symptoms a test *We also inline with UK government advise request that all windows and doors are open including internal doors * *Our team thought out the covid 19 situation will not be permitted to accept refreshments from customers , this said tea breaks will therefore be longer as team will have to make use of the tea and coffee facilities we have within the vehicle Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we will be resuming operations from Spain on the 15th May Secondly we have hit our first 100 + Followers today on our Instagram account As already mentioned our main twitter account has gone over 3000 + followers and keeps growing (hit 3000 on 5TH May) And fourthly and the biggest of our latest company news As of today we are a limited company registered with companies house in England and Waled company number 12597880 Our full name as you will have noticed is ERS Removal Services Ltd trading as European relocation services I am pleased to announce that our #Twitter account has hit 3000 plus followers today We are also on Youtube
AuthorAshley R Clark Categories