So no the existence of the Siesta itself is not a myth how ever that doesn't mean there are not myths and misconceptions regarding it
Well since publishing the last part of this series, on Spanish Myths people have on twitter have passed comments that have lead me to expand on the seista blog So here it is *Well As said in the previous one, Seista is not all over Spain as it use to be , well some one ask why is that well , I can not of course be 100% certain but there seems to be two reason Tradition some places and people like the tradition of the Seista (after all as often said Spain has a different pace of life ) And well the weather is the over factor, what do I,mean well simply put the further south you go in Spain the hotter it gets , And as you can work out I am sure, it is very hard to work in the extreme temperatures at the height of the day so many roles and jobs in these regions will therefore for practical reasons seista And will Seista means nap in Spanish, that doesn't mean everyone who has the seista off is asleep many people will and do treat it as a long afternoon break/lunch break It is worth noting that in towns and places where the seista is common that during the seista period these towns are very quite with not many people about and little traffic, compared to to the times outside of seista Yes there will I am sure be other reason why places/poeple do and do not seista that I haven't covered
*When learning to speak a new language your going to make mistakes, mispronounce words but don't be scared to try the locals will not think less of you they will help you often and will like the effort * (in my experience anyway )
* Another tip I was once given that I found/find helpful (I was first told this one in Germany ) is Watch a tv program like the Simpsons and find an episode you know well then watch in Spanish * Watching a program with the sub titles in English and the program in Spanish also helps some people * Or children's tv programs like Sponge bob as the Spanish will be simpler but it helps it sink in *And in Spanish unlike English they would say House white so Casa Blanca not Blanca Casa as you would say if you used English Grammar rules * Some people also I am advised have the subtitles in Spanish as well as watching in Spanish as it can help them *But what ever method you use have fun with it *If the shop keeper is Spanish and Speaking English when serving you don't be scared to ask them to speak in Spanish as it will help you learn they will be happy to and pleased your making an effort (in my experience ) and if you return to the shop often they may speak in Spanish (which sounds strange but a lot in tourist areas/areas with many British people speak in English to Brits automatically ) to you but be ready to swap to English or help with pronunciations or both * It can also be helpful to have a study buddy when learning a new language, you can learn together and help each other and it should also help it be more fun |
AuthorAshley R Clark Categories