pso the van got back to base today , 14/04/2022 after another successful Spain - UK -Spain trip , the 4th of 2022
It in fact despite taking us all the way up to Sheffield in Yorkshire was a quick turn around The van got off the Ferry on Monday 11th April in Newhaven and got back on the ferry from Newhaven to Dieppe on the 12th Made it to Spanish Customs yesterday 13th April And Delivered today on the 14th And yes during that time despite the current issues in the UK The knock on effect from P&O (causing in Dover operation Brock/stack ) (We always ship with DFDS on the Newhaven route (but the boat/ferry was extra busy that was for sure) Reports of Fuel issues in the south East Easter Traffic in the UK , France and Spain Despite all that the ERS team stuck to schedule and delivered another load to Spain making another customers dream move come true Move with confidence
So it is as I write this the 20th December and less than 11 full days of 2021 left , where has the year gone ? Well for us here at ERS it has gone by in a busy enough year lets have a look back at 2021
So 2021 has as you know been the first year of the post Brexit customs controls and systems (yes the final UK ones are coming into place the 1st January 2022) so yes 2021 has been a year different to the last few years that is for sure: So customs and doing customs clearances (as in arranging and sorting via our UK and Spanish agents ) has been a big part of the year we have as the year ends done 43 full loads on the Spain - UK - Spain route which equals 86 customs process in total (I would like to take this opportunity to thank both our UK Broker WS Logistics and our Spanish Broker Aduana Del Guadalquivir SL , for all their help this year and all the customs process they have completed for us , enabling us to complete successful all the moves/deliveries ) (and I would like to also thank the depot in Spain we do our customs clearances at ) And we have also of course done 28 crossing of the English channel via DFDS Ferry on the Newhaven- Dieppe route (so a thanks to all the DFDS port staff at Newhaven and Dieppe and the office team and the ferry crews ) While in volume we may have been down in 2021 on 2020 and 2019 , the 14 trips we have done have seen us go to place including Fife , Edinburgh , Cornwall , Newport and other places in Wales, As far as Marbella in Spain, so in 2021 the van has sure covered the miles , and of course as you know the van has also in 2021 been sign written (by 101 business success in Hull )(and As I have said the van has also been serviced as need this year with thanks to Tom at Tph Autos ) And as well as the 14 full trips on our Spain - UK - Spain we have done 3 runs into France relocating people to France from Spain going to places including Grenoble Also in 2021 we celebrated our 9th overall year in business and our first full year as a limited company We also got our new uniforms this year with our new company polos and Fleeces And I would also like to Thank the team at Purdie worldwide removals who have this year had us write them a guest blog on moving to Spain since Brexit (link below ) Moving to Spain post-Brexit - Purdie Worldwide Removals & Storage Ltd Our Social media accounts have gone from Strength to Strength, and while I would like to thank each and every person I chat , network and interact with on twitter , facebook , instagram and the likes the list would be to long But I will mention Steve Barton of (1) Steve Barton (@KrasnayaDolls) / Twitter as once again he is working with us for the #NelsonandPercyatitagain Christmas adventures So 2021 has been an eventful year here at ERS Removal services ltd mainluy for the good thankfully a further example of something that has happened here this year is our Newspaper advert with Euro News Weekly But yes at times as with any year and any business there have been issues , been challenges (the first trip in January 2021 for example while successful was like that as it was a trail trip to make sure everything was in place for the Brexit systems at the time , which it was) But 2021 has overall been a good year a rewarding year and successful (with thanks to all the mentioned people and many more as well ) We have made many a persons dream move to Spain come true and as need helped a few people return/relocate back to the UK (thou let me add that it was still more people and loads to Spain this year than to the UK) Moving home is often said to be in the top 3 stressful thing we can do in our lives, well while that can be true
There are many ways you can reduce the stress or avoid the stress all together *And before I get into this article remember that moving can be stressful for both children and pets for various reasons *Make a plan Make a moving plan and stick to it *what should be in my moving Plan ? 1*Start by writing a list of the tasks you need to do And it will need to be more detailed than just pack 2* Write on the plan who is responsible for what task and what day it needs doing by (and where possible let your kids (if you have any that is) get involved in the move so they feel involved and not left out. *Tips for moving with Children can be found here *And please ensure that you have no packing to be done on the morning of the move as that will increase the stress levels* 3* On the packing plan where you have the dates things need doing by, start packing early as possible, and list items that can be packed away first as they will not be needed and can be packed earlier as well as listing items that should be packed last* *some items will not matter when they are packed * *And list any items you don't thing you will be needing 4 *And plan in to the moving planning a decluttering As after all what is the point of taking unneeded or unwanted items 5 *Write a list of the people and companies/Organisations that need your new address (Tv licence , gas , water , Internet , phone , Doctors etc ) *And if moving aboard Let the tv licence people know the date your moving aboard and that your moving aboard* *and don't forget to update with the Dvla your driving licence address * *And it is a good idea to set up with the Royal mail a redirect service for your mail * Moving with pets don't forget to either let the vet know the new address or to register with a new vet And don't forget to update your pets Mirco chip when you move *and as you sort the people /companies that need the new address out tick them off the list * 6*Make sure in the moving plan you allow yourselves plenty of time , you do not want to be rushing around 7* And make sure that as soon as you know the moving dates you book the mover you want to avoid the risk of them been fully booked if you tried booking closer to the moving date 8* In relation to the above when you start the moving plan before even knowing the exact date you should start looking for the mover you want and doing research on the Mover (Reading feedback , checking their terms and conditions etc ) 9*when looking around for the mover I would suggest that only one person is responsible for this task to avoid duplicating work and causing confusing of oh have you do this or that , which movers has x spoken to or have they spoke to Y if one person is doing that stage there will be less confusing of course discuss what you have found out with your partner etc as applicable 10* Write a list of questions you have for the mover out during the initial moving planning so that you can tick them off as you are in contact with the mover and know what you need to know For more moving/Packing advice click here Summing up
Important moving tip always be sure to check the movers Feedback It is also a good idea to check the movers Terms and conditions
Spain is a large and very varied country, with no two areas or two towns been the same, so how do people moving to Spain decide what part of Spain is right for them ?
Well firstly everyone is different with different needs and wants, so list what you want from Spain and what you need, For example do you want to be in an area with a large amount of fellow Brits ? (Yes/no) the upside to this is if thats what you want it makes the transit in someways easier but can make learning for example Spanish more tricky, but many people do life in areas with many people from there own country,. Or would you prefer an area thats mixed ? Or mainly Spanish ? If you have children what are the schools like? and how far are they from where we are looking to life ? Will you be there year round ?Yes then what is the summer and winter temperatures like (they vary all over Spain ) If you want for example warm but not hot Summers the more northern areas may be for you. Or if you want hot summers and Mild winter regions like Almeria, Malaga may be your preferred area these are just a few of the questions you may ask yourself, but all I will say is be sure where you move is right for you and if in any doubt why not do short term rentals to be sure. It is worth noting that as a rule of thumb generally in Spain houses away from the coast and outside of villages, so for example in the mountains and other inland regions are often both larger and cheaper than their counterparts at the coast, the trade off thou can be some of these houses can be very isolated and miles from the nearest shops, now if thats what you want to be alone and away from it then that is a big plus for you A few more pictures of our hard working van loading in Wales and at the delivery near Gandia in Spain
AuthorAshley R Clark Categories